Дисциплина Английский язык. Базовый курс для нелингвистов (курс 1) Модульный тест 4414.10.01;МТ.01;1

АСan he read and write when he was five?
В) I think he mustn’t drive so fast.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - да
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - нет
Верна ли грамматическая форма?
А) Сould you help me, please?
В) I am to able to open the door.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - да, В - нет
   А - да, В - да
   А - нет, В - да
   А - нет, В - нет

А) A camera is a thing to take pictures with.
В) A key is a thing for opening a lock.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - да
   А - нет, В - нет
А) A holiday is a day to merry-making.
В) A sweater is a thing to wear in cool weather.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - да
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - нет
Верна ли грамматическая форма?
А) Can you give me some advice?
В) Must I leave at once?
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - да
   А - нет, В - нет
А) English is spoken all off the world
В) English is spoken all over the world
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - да
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - нет
А) He have to send him a greeting card
В) Can I do anything for you?
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - да
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - нет
А) I don’t like drivers which are very fast.
В) He likes food that is very spicy.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - да
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - нет
А) Jack bought a coat who he wanted.
В) This is the hat where was in the window.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - нет
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - да
А) She shouldn’t to spend so much time in the sun.
В) I must to write this letter at once.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - нет
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - да
А) These boots are good for working in the garden.
В) A cook is to cooking food for a restaurant.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - да, В - нет
   А - да, В - да
   А - нет, В - да
   А - нет, В - нет
А) This copy-book is to writing compositions in.
В) TV is for watch films.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - нет
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - да
А) Travelling season starts with the early spring.
В) Travelling season starts in the early spring.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - да
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - нет
Верна ли грамматическая форма?
А) You shouldn’t be late tonight.
В) He ought to see the doctor.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - да
   А - нет, В - нет
А) On August I will go to some foreign country.
В) In August I will go to some foreign country.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - да
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - нет
А) A right to education have been recognized by some jurisdictions
В) A right to education has been recognized by some jurisdictions
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - да
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - нет
А) He is attracted by the idea with going abroad.
В) He is attracted by the idea of going abroad
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - да
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - нет
А) Repetition is the mother of learning.
В) Repetition are the mother of learning
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - да, В - нет
   А - да, В - да
   А - нет, В - да
   А - нет, В - нет
А) To know everything is to know nothing.
В) To know everything does to know nothing
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - да, В - нет
   А - да, В - да
   А - нет, В - да
   А - нет, В - нет
А) Should he really to go and see her?
В) They ought be more careful.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - нет, В - нет
   А - да, В - да
   А - да, В - нет
   А - нет, В - да
A) He is interested in the history of ancient times.
B) He is interested for the history of ancient times.
Подберите правильный ответ

   -> А - да, В - нет
   А - да, В - да
   А - нет, В - да
   А - нет, В - нет
Is the right to education guaranteed to everybody? – Yes, it ___
   -> is
. May the students work for other degrees? – Yes, they ___
   -> may
   may to
   to may
A ___ to education has been recognized by some jurisdictions
   -> right
Are they writing a test now? – Yes, they ___
   -> are
Can he ride a bicycle? - No, he ___
   -> cannot
   do not
   has not
   is not
Did she go shopping last week? – Yes, she ___
   -> did
Do many Englishmen travel in groups? – Yes, they ___
   -> do
Does she ___ well?
   -> dance
Don’t come very early. I ___ for the exam.
   -> shall be reading
   be reading
   is reading
   shall reading
Every morning he ___ to the latest news.
   -> listens
   is listen
Have you ever ____ to the Niagara Falls?
   -> been
He did not ___ me this book yesterday
   -> give
He ___ to read fantasy.
   -> likes
   is like
I think, English is as ___ as French.
   -> difficult
   more difficult
   most difficult
   the most difficult
I ___ an economist in three years.
   -> will be
I ___ dinner and my son was playing in his room
   -> was cooking
   were cooking
I ___ waiting for you since morning.
   -> have been
   has been
   have be
   have being
Is he travelling alone? – No, he ___
   -> isn’t
Is the letter ready? – Yes, I have ___ it already.
   -> written
It is ___ to swim in the sea than in the river.
   -> easier
   more easy
   much easy
It’s much ___ today, than it was two days ago.
   -> colder
   more colder
   more cold
It’s ___ love story I have ever read.
   -> the best
   the better
John ___ on the coat already.
   -> has put
   have put
   is putting
Johnny is not as ___ as Daniel.
   -> rich
   the richest
Look! What beautiful flowers she _____.
   -> has bought
   have bought
   has buy
Look! It ___ heavily.
   -> is raining
Moscow is ___ than Saint-Petersburg.
   -> older
   more old
   most pld
Must he work with us on Sunday? – I’m afraid, he ___.
   -> must
   must to
   should to
She cannot afford to buy a new fur coat, ___?
   -> can she
   can’t she
   could she
   do she
She can’t enter the room, she _____ the key.
   -> has lost
   have lost
   has lose
She does not ___ her mother.
   -> help
She has never been to Spain, ___ she?
   -> has
She has not ___ any fruit today.
   -> bought
   to buy
She has sent an e-mail already, ___ she?
   -> hasn’t
She understood that he ___ her letter.
   -> had seen
   have seen
   has seen
   not seen
She ___ already for New-York.
   -> has left
   have left
   has leaved
   have leaved
The goals of primary education are achieving basic _____ and numeracy
   -> literacy
The purpose of secondary education is to give ___
   -> common knowledge
The students ___ the test already.
   -> have written
   has written
The weather ___ hot and sunny these days.
   -> will be
   shall be
Their girl is as ___ as her father.
   -> clever
   more clever
   most clever
Their house is not so ___ as our house.
   -> comfortable
   more comfortable
   most comfortable
   the most comfortable
They were walking in the park from five till seven, ______ they?
   -> weren’t
They ____ each other for a few years.
   -> have known
   has known
   have knew
They ____ to my place next week
   -> will come
This hotel is ___ one.
   -> the cheapest
   more cheaper
   most cheaper
   the most cheaper
This is the ___ place I have ever seen.
   -> the most beautiful
   more beautiful
   much beautiful
This month he ___ a trip in Middle East
   -> is having
   has having
Today we ___ lunch at the café.
   -> are having
   is having
   was having
   just having
We did a lot of work in the garden, ___?
   -> didn’t we
   did we
   doesn’t we
   do we
We ___ in this town since January.
   -> have lived
   has lived
We ___ our exams. So we may have a rest now.
   -> have just passed
   have just pass
   has just passed
   just passed
We ___ to see the sights
   -> are going
   is going
   is gone
   was going
Were English taught that travel broadens the mind? – Yes, they ___
   -> were
Where did they ___ their vacations?
   -> spend
   to spend
Where ___ he go last year?
   -> did
While my husband ____ photos, I was feeding the ducks.
   -> was having
   were having
   is having
Will your son be watching TV tonight? – Yes, he ___
   -> will
Your composition is ____ interesting.
   -> the most
   the more
   the much
   the many
Your son doesn’t go to school yet, ___ he?
   -> does