Английский язык. Базовый курс для нелингвистов Электронный экзамен 0762.Экз.02;ЭЭ.01;1

In our country spring is as --- as autumn.
   ->  warm
    more warmer
$ 20 is too ________ for this hat.
   -> much
--- am a college teacher.
   ->  I
--- are ready to take their exam in English.
   ->  they

--- father’s name is George.
   ->  his
--- has started a new business lately.
   ->  he
--- May we’ll have a holiday.
   ->  in
--- offers soft drinks to the guests.
   ->  she
--- the weekend we go to the country.
   ->  at
--- there many computers in your office?
   ->  are
--- trip to France took ten days.
   ->  our
A chance --- to start business.
   ->  was taken
    has taken
    will taken
A hat is something _______ you wear on your head.
A lot --- people came to the party.
   ->  of
A lot --- people travel abroad nowadays.
   ->  of
    a t
A museum is the place _______ you can see historic items.
A pen is a thing for ___________ letters with.
A post-office is a place _______ you post letters and send parcels.
A reporter is someone ______ writes for a newspaper.
A sleeping bag is a thing to ______ in.
A supermarket is the place _______ you can buy everything.
A trader has a big store --- his disposal.
   ->  at
A. Christi’s books --- all over the world.
   ->  are read
    is read
    to read
a book keeper
   -> бухгалтер
   книжный магазин
   книжный шкаф
a lawyer
   -> юрист
a single ticket
   -> билет в один конец
   отдельный билет
   единый билет
   один билет
An empty car --- last week.
   ->  was found
    was find
    to find
    were found
An envelope is a thing to ______ a letter into.
   -> put
an entrepreneur
   -> предприниматель
   предпринять что-то
an owner
   -> владелец
Are --- successful businessmen?
   ->  they
Are there laws which govern the working conditions?- Yes, ______ are.
   -> there
Are you cold? _Yes, I ______.
   -> am
Are you dreaming of going into business for yourself? - Yes, I ____.
   -> am
Are you fond --- animals?
   ->  of
Are you fond ____ reading?
   -> of
Are you running a business of your own? – Yes, I _____.
   -> am
As you know I can’t stand --- .
   ->  shopping
    to shop
    to do shop
Ask Peter _____a lift.
   -> for
at the chemist’s
   -> в аптеке
   у химика
Autumn is _____ best time to visit New England.
   -> the
Betty is married --- Mr. Smith.
   ->  to
Can the law be classified in any way? – Yes, it _____.
   -> can
Can you cook? – Yes, I ______.
   -> can
Christmas --- on December 25.
   ->  is celebrated
    be celebrated
    being celebrated
Christmas is a holiday ________ is celebrated on December 25.
   -> that
Come in and join us. We --- tea.
   ->  are having
    was having
    is having
    be having
Come in please. Feel --- home.
   ->  at
Come in, please. Feel ____ home.
   -> at
consumer market
   -> потребительский рынок
   рыночное потребление
   потребитель и рынок
   рынок потребления
Could you tell me where the supermarket _____.
   -> is
Did --- win a lot of money last time?
   ->  you
Did she enjoy --- at the party?
   ->  herself
Distributional justice is an issue ____ great importance.
   -> of
Do you always _______ your homework?
   -> do
Do you hope to be a success? – Yes, I ____.
   -> do
Does international law regulate relations between citizens of different countries? – Yes, it ______.
   -> does
Does your son go in --- sports?
   ->  for
Don’t interfere ____ the internal affairs of other firms.
   -> in
Don’t smoke _______ board a plane!
   -> on
   -> экономика
Easter buns --- always --- with butter.
   ->  are served
    was served
    have served
    be served
   -> служащий
   найм на работу
Flying is bad _____ your health.
   -> for
Football is --- game in Brazil.
   ->  the most popular
    more popular
    the popularest
Football is as --- in our country as in Brazil.
   ->  popular
    more popular
    the most popular
Have you chosen the area of your interest? – Yes, I _______.
   -> have
Have you ever seen her lately? – Yes, I _______.
   -> have
Have you ever ________ a cigar?
   -> smoked
Have you ever ________ frog’s legs?
   -> eaten
Have you got any profit this year? – No, we __________.
   -> haven’t
He --- his lawyer last night.
   ->  met
    to meet
He --- in time if he catches the train.
   ->  ‘ll be
    to be
He --- to translate this text properly.
   ->  is not able
    not be able
    were not able
He --- two foreign languages.
   ->  knows
    to know
He always goes to his office --- bus.
   ->  by
He decided to ______ to the office today.
   -> go
He fell _______ and broke his leg.
   -> down
He has gone to London --- business.
   ->  on
He hates --- to bed early.
   ->  going
    to go
He is --- man I have ever known.
   ->  the best
He is interested _____ basketball.
   -> in
He is interested _____ it.
   -> in
He is listening --- music now.
   ->  to
He is much interested --- history.
   ->  in
He is ____ funniest person I know.
   -> the
He isn’t so --- about his exam as I’m.
   ->  nervous
    more nervous
    most nervous
He likes to__________ the violin in an orchestra.
   -> play
He looked --- the picture with interest.
   ->  at
He moved --- Berlin last year.
   ->  to
He needs some _______ time to think it over.
   -> more
He never --- about his private life.
   ->  talks
    to talk
He plays _____ piano.
   -> the
He prepared the documents --- advance.
   ->  in
He said he --- in cash for these goods.
   ->  paid
    to pay
He saved the boy ____ the expense of his life.
   -> at
He saved the child at the expense of --- life.
   ->  his
He usually --- ten cigarettes a day.
   ->  smokes
    to smoke
He usually goes _____ the art gallery.
   -> to
He usually has lunch ____ home.
   -> at
He was glad to meet --- yesterday.
   ->  her
He was very busy --- last evening.
   ->  in
He works in hospital _____ night.
   -> at
He works ____ London.
   -> in
He ______ swim very well.
   -> can
He _______ work hard to pass his exams.
   -> must
Help --- to another piece of cake.
   ->  yourself
Henry always drives a car ---.
   ->  himself
Her brothers’ names --- Rose and Betty.
   ->  are
Her flat --- with flowers.
   ->  was decorated
    are decorated
    be decorate
    being decorated
Her style is different _______ mine.
   -> from
He’ll get a good job if he --- a degree in law.
   ->  has
    ‘ll have
    to have
    will to have
He’s already prepared the documents --- his client.
   ->  for
He’s still in the garden. He --- tennis.
   ->  is playing
    be playing
He’s _____ holiday at the moment.
   -> on
hire purchase
   -> покупка в рассрочку
   сделать покупки
   покупка по договору
His car is --- than mine.
   ->  faster
    more fast
His new car is --- than the old one.
   ->  more expensive
    most expensive
    the more expensive
His profit depends --- many factors.
   ->  on
His sister ‘s name --- Kate Brown.
   ->  is
How can I get --- Prince Street ?
   ->  to
How can I get ___ High Street?
   -> to
How long --- it take you to get home?
   ->  does
    to do
How much does it ______ ?
   -> cost
How much ____ it ? – 100 roubles.
   -> is
How often does he ________ mistakes while speaking English?
   -> make
How ____ you? – I’m fine, thanks.
   -> are
How _____ is your house from here?
   -> far
How _______ cakes will I make?
   -> many
How _______ milk will I bring?
   -> much
How ____________ articles do you want to read?
   -> many
Hurry up! I’m waiting --- you.
   ->  for
I --- already --- my breakfast
   ->  have had
    has had
    has have
    to have had
I --- make a decision at once.
   ->  must
    has to
    must to
    to must
I --- to go in for sports to keep fit.
   ->  was advised
    is advised
    being advised
    were advised
I always enjoy --- to classical music.
   ->  listening
    to listen
I am --- your service.
   ->  at
I am fond ____ my future work.
I am _____ your service.
   -> at
I can buy it ____ a lower price.
I can make ____ toast.
   -> a
I can’t remember where Sally --- from?
   ->  is
I can’t ______ coffee without sugar.
I couldn’t _______ tennis ten years ago.
I couldn’t________ English ten years ago.
I didn’t get it, ______ I?
I don’t go to my work ______ foot.
I don’t like watching TV, ______ I?
I don’t mind --- him today.
   ->  visiting
    to visit
I get up ____ 7 o’clock.
   -> at
I have known John ______ two years.
I know a girl _____ speaks five languages.
   -> who
I know them --- than you.
   ->  better
    the best
    more better
I think metro is --- means of transport.
   ->  the most convenient
    more convenient
    most convenient
I usually go --- bed late at night.
   ->  to
I usually stay ____ home.
   -> at
I walk to my work ___ the morning.
I will get a degree ____ two years.
I wonder if they --- married.
   ->  are
I wonder if this coat is ---.
   ->  mine
I ______ not want to go shopping now.
If he leaves now, he ______ be at home at 7.
   -> will
If I --- enough money I’ll go abroad.
   ->  save
    to save
    will save
If you are hungry, you should _____ something.
   -> eat
If you are thirsty, you should _______ something.
   -> drink
If you are ______, you should go to the doctor.
   -> ill
If you want a job done well, do it ---.
   ->  yourself
In spring the meadows --- with green grass.
   ->  are covered
    is covered
in advance
   -> заранее
interest rate
   -> процентная ставка
   интересный курс
   заинтересован в скорости
Is he waiting for a bus? – Yes, he ____.
   -> is
Is her dress ______? – No, it’s short.
   -> long
Is it a ______ pair of jeans? – No, I bought it last summer.
   -> new
Is it necessary to get a university degree in law? – Yes, it ____.
   -> is
Is property the ultimate goal of business? – Yes, it ____.
   -> is
Is that your house? – No, it’s ---
   ->  theirs
Is there _____ coffee?
   -> any
Is this your wallet? – No, --- is his.
   ->  it
Is Tom a teacher? No, --- is a lawyer.
   ->  he
Is ______ weather good today?
   -> the
Is ________ a telephone in this room?
   -> there
It --- last night.
   ->  was pouring
    is pouring
    were pouring
It is he who --- them this story
   ->  has told
    have told
    had tell
    to have told
It is not so --- in May as in April.
   ->  cold
    the cold
It was --- event in his life.
   ->  the worst
    more worst
It’s --- book I’ve ever read.
   ->  the most exciting
    more exciting
    exciting more
It’s half --- three in the morning.
   ->  past
It’s my bag. It’s got ______ name on it.
   -> my
It’s not my camera. It’s ---
   ->  theirs
It’s the _____ interesting town I have ever visited.
   -> most
I’d like --- an accountant.
   ->  to be
I’d like to tell --- about my journey.
   ->  them
I’ll call you later. What’s ______ telephone number?
   -> your
I’ll get a diploma in economics if I --- hard.
   ->  study
    will study
    to study
I’m going to Britain _____ August.
   -> in
I’ve got a friend _____ is a lawyer.
   -> who
I’ve got a small flat --- North London.
   ->  in
I’ve got a toothache– You should go to the _________.
   -> dentist
Jack is as --- as my son.
   ->  old
   -> присяжные
Last year we --- to the seaside.
   ->  went
    to go
Leather --- for making footwear.
   ->  is used
    has used
    be used
    being used
   -> законодательство
Let’s go ________ we went last month.
   -> where
Listen --- him, please.
   ->  to
London is the capital --- Great Britain.
   ->  of
Look --- this pretty blue dress.
   ->  at
Look! He --- today.
   ->  isn’t smoking
    doesn’t smoke
    don’t smoke
    not to smoke
Look! Maria --- a new hat today.
   ->  is wearing
    were wearing
    are wearing
Many people --- by dolphins.
   ->  are saved
    was saved
    3.be saved
    is saved
Many people prefer to travel --- air.
   ->  by
Mary is one metre 85. She is rather _______.
   -> tall
Men usually --- a suit nowadays.
   ->  don’t wear
    doesn’t wear
    don’t wears
    not to wear
Men usually go to restaurants on --- own.
   ->  their
Microeconomics deals ______ individual industries.
   -> with
Monday comes after __________.
   -> Sunday
Monday comes before ____________.
   -> Tuesday
Mr. Brown is the head --- the family.
   ->  of
Mr. Smith is married to --- sister.
   ->  my
Must a solicitor spend two years as a clerk? – Yes, he _______.
   -> must
Must I pay --- cash?
   ->  in
My birthday is ____ November 4.
   -> on
My dress is made --- silk.
   ->  of
My favourite __________ is Van Gogh.
   -> painter
My friends --- police officers.
   ->  are
    to be
My friends are busy. _____ are writing a test
   -> they
My husband hates --- to parties.
   ->  going
    to go
My mobile phone is --- than yours.
   ->  more expensive
    the most expensive
    most expensive
My sister --- in the Far East.
   ->  lives
    to live
My son --- work hard to pass his exam.
   ->  must
    to must
    must to
    have to
My son likes to play --- football.
   ->  ---
My son lives --- the Far East.
   ->  in
My son—a business two years ago.
   ->  ran
    to run
My spoken English isn’t very good, but I _____ read it quite well.
   -> can
Next Sunday the children --- to the Zoo.
   ->  will be taken
    were taken
on board a ship
   ->  на борту корабля
   борт корабля
   за бортом корабля
   по борту корабля
On great holidays towns --- with flags.
   ->  are decorated
    had decorated
    being decorated
Our enterprise --- no profit this year.
   ->  has got
    have got
    to have got
Our firm is --- than theirs
   ->  more successful
    most successful
    the most successful
Our goods are --- than theirs.
   ->  more expensive
    most expensive
Our lessons begin --- 12 o’clock.
   ->  at
Our manager --- for London yesterday.
   ->  left
    to leave
Our travel to France --- perfectly.
   ->  was organized
    been organized
Our trip starts --- Monday.
   ->  on
Pass --- the salt, please.
   ->  me
Paul and Peter are --- New-York.
   ->  from
People --- always --- of the risk of floods.
   ->  are warned
    has warned
    will warn
    being warned
Pilots are people _____ fly planes.
   -> who
Please, speak up! I don’t ______ you.
   -> hear
Please, turn --- the radio.
   ->  down
primary data
   -> первичная информации
   первая дата
   начальная дата
   начальный срок
Private law is also _________ civil law.
   -> called
Profit is the indicator that your business is a ___________.
   -> success
Put --- your coat. It’s cold today.
   ->  on
Put this book --- the drawer.
   ->  into
real estate
   -> недвижимость
   реальное имущество
   настоящая собственность
   частная собственность
Rice --- in India and China.
   ->  is grown
    are grown
    being grown
    were growing
Rights and duties of people --- by law.
   ->  are regulated
    is regulated
    has regulated
rights and duties
   -> права и обязанности
   право и обязательство
   права и порядок
   права и правила
Rome is the capital of _________.
   -> Italy
Roses --- often --- as a birthday present.
   ->  are sent
    was sent
    to send
    be sent
Rugby is not so --- in Russia as in the UK.
   ->  popular
    more popular
    the most popular
   -> ценные бумаги
She --- a new flat this month.
   ->  has bought
    has buy
    was bought
    have bought
She --- at the office today. She has got a lot of work.
   ->  is staying
    to stay
She --- have her holiday last month.
   ->  could
    could to
    can to
She --- us if she isn’t busy.
   ->  ‘ll visit
    to visit
    ‘ll to visit
She came late --- night.
   ->  at
She did some shopping. She _______ a dress and some shoes.
   -> bought
She gets up early --- the morning.
   ->  in
She has baked this birthday cake ---.
   ->  herself
She has chosen this house --- .
   ->  herself
She has looked --- her glasses everywhere.
   ->  for
She has made this dress --- .
   ->  herself
She hasn’t got _____ coffee.
   -> any
She hasn’t met him _______ Christmas.
   -> since
She is --- lawyer in our firm.
   ->  the best
    more best
She is as --- as my daughter.
   ->  young
    the younger
She is very good --- writing business letters.
   ->  at
She is very good ___ writing business letters.
   -> at
She is _____ English teacher.
   -> an
She is ____________ for a bus at the moment.
   -> waiting
She loves --- in the park.
   ->  walking
    to go walk
She sent all the documents ____ advance.
   -> in
She _________ the poem by heart yesterday.
   -> learnt
She’ll make her life miserable if she --- angry.
   ->  is
    will be
    to be
She’s been a Queen --- May.
   ->  since
She’s going --- the seaside tomorrow.
   ->  to
She’s lived here --- six months.
   ->  for
Sorry. I --- come to you yesterday.
   ->  couldn’t
    was not
    couldn’t to
supply and demand
   -> спрос и предложение
   поставка товара
   требование к поставке
   доставлять товар
Susan --- her business if she has enough money.
   ->  will start
    to start
Susan is married. --- family isn’t large.
   ->  Her
Switch --- the light please. It’s very dark here.
   ->  on
Take --- your coat and come in.
   ->  off
Take --- your shoes, they are wet.
   ->  off
Take care --- timely delivery of goods.
   ->  of
Technical skills are necessary to succeed ____ management.
   -> in
That isn’t as good _____ his first film.
   -> as
That joke isn’t so --- as this one.
   ->  funny
    more funny
The bank opens _____ 9 o’clock.
   -> at
The boy --- play the piano when he was five.
   ->  could
    could to
    can to
The boy often falls when he ________ his bike.
   -> rides
The boy was absent --- two days.
   ->  for
The bridge over the river --- in a year.
   ->  will be built
    be built
    to build
The car --- be served very quickly.
   ->  must
    have to
    must to
    to must
The Central Bank oversees the stability of national ____________.
   -> currency
The children --- to the seaside.
   ->  were sent
    to be sent
   to send
The competition starts _____ 9 a.m.
   -> at
The contract will be signed ____ five days.
   -> in
The days in December are not so --- as in May
   ->  long
    more long
The demand --- new computers is growing.
   ->  for
The dentist examines your _______.
   -> teeth
The doctor advised him to give --- smoking.
   ->  up
The doctor says John --- give up smoking.
   ->  must
    must to
    have to
The Earth --- round the Sun.
   ->  goes
    to go
The Everest is the ___________ mountain in the world.
   -> highest
The House of Lords
   -> Палата Лордов
   резиденция лордов
   дом, в котором живет лорд
   недвижимость лорда
The Japanese --- usually very formal.
   ->  are
The lawyer was busy ____ the morning.
   -> in
The library is _____ the square.
   -> in
The man was found _________ and put into prison.
   -> guilty
The match starts _____ 4 o’clock.
   -> at
The population of Moscow is more than 10 __________ people.
   -> million.
The service at the store --- be fast.
   ->  must
    have to
    must to
The Tower of London --- as a prison long ago.
   ->  was used
    to use
The warmer the weather the --- I feel.
   ->  better
    the best
There --- a new café near our house.
   ->  is
There --- many plants in our garden.
   ->  aren’t
    not are
There --- much paper on the table.
   ->  is
There are ______ days in a week.
   -> seven
There is a big square ____ the centre of the town.
   -> in
There is a nice park near --- house.
   ->  their
There isn’t a shower in _____ bathroom.
   -> the
There isn’t _______ cheese in the fridge.
   -> any
There _____ a pen and two books on the table.
   -> is
There ______ five pens in her bag yesterday.
   -> were
These cars are ________ in Japan.
   -> made
These flowers are --- than those.
   ->  more beautiful
    most beautiful
    the most beautiful
These flowers are bought for --- mother.
   ->  his
These jeans --- of denim.
   ->  are made
    was made
    to make
They --- a contract when we came.
   ->  were discussing
    was discussing
    is discussing
    be discussing
They --- a good department store.
   ->  own
    to own
They --- English fluently.
   ->  speak
They --- for a walk every morning.
   ->  go
    to go
They --- get the tickets for the 7.45 flight.
   ->  couldn’t
    was not able
    were not
    is not able
They --- Italian by nationality.
   ->  are
They --- move to another flat last week.
   ->  had to
    must to
    have to
   has to
They --- our group-mates.
   ->  are
They --- this shocking news yesterday.
   ->  heard
They --- to start this work next week.
   ->  ‘ll be able
    was able
    were able
    not to be able
They --- us with new goods lately.
   ->  have provided
    has provided
    have provide
    to have provide
They are --- home at the moment.
   ->  at
They are busy at the moment. They --- TV.
   ->  are watching
    is watching
    were watching
    was watching
They are coming at half --- six.
   ->  past
They are leaving --- Kiev tomorrow.
   ->  for
They are leaving for London --- five days.
   ->  in
They came _____ home at 7.
   -> back
They decorated the house --- flowers.
   ->  with
They drink a lot of ______ in Britain.
   -> tea
They found --- in a difficult situation
   ->  themselves
They go --- the seaside every year.
   ->  to
They have been absent _____ two days.
   -> for
They have their holidays --- winter.
   ->  in
They left --- Kiev at 8 a.m.
   ->  for
They live as --- from the town as I do.
   ->  far
    more far
They meet at the skating-rink _________ day.
   -> every
They opened a new store --- Monday.
   ->  on
They tried to do it --- but failed.
   ->  themselves
They visited us two days ---.
   ->  ago
They were --- the mountains last month.
   ->  in
They will take their final exam ____ Monday.
   -> on
They’ve had this holiday --- 1988.
   ->  since
This approach --- in marketing research.
   ->  is used
    have used
    be used
This armchair is --- than my old one
   ->  more comfortable
    most comfortable
    the most comfortable
This book --- from the library yesterday.
   ->  was borrowed
    is borrowed
    has borrowed
    been borrowed
This book is ____ demand.
   -> in
This brown coat --- a year ago.
   ->  was bought
    were bought
    was buy
    will bought
This company --- by a legal person.
   ->  is owned
    were owned
    have owned
    be owned
This department store is much --- to my house.
   ->  nearer
    the nearest
This dress is made ____ silk.
   -> of
This information is not --- at all.
   ->  interesting
    more interesting
    the most interesting
    much interesting
This is my niece. --- is a student.
   ->  she
This is ______ worst film I have seen.
   -> the
This magazine --- everywhere.
   ->  is sold
    being sold
    be sold
This news is not --- for me.
   ->  interesting
    more interesting
    the most interesting
    most interesting
This novel was written --- Dickens.
   ->  by
This old house --- of bricks.
   ->  was made
    will make
    be make
This pair of shoes is --- than that one.
   ->  cheaper
    the cheapest
    more cheap
This piece of music --- by Mozart.
   ->  was composed
    are composed
    to compose
This set of furniture is --- than yours.
   ->  more fashionable
    most fashionable
    the more fashionable
This specialty is --- great demand
   ->  in
This task is --- than the previous one.
   ->  more difficult
    most difficult
    the difficult
This text is --- than that one.
   ->  easier
    more easier
This work --- tomorrow morning.
   ->  will be finished
    was finished
    is finished
to be guilty
   -> быть виновным
to be in demand
   -> пользоваться спросом
   по требованию
   спрос и предложение
to be in fashion
   -> быть в моде
   выйти из моды
to break the law
   ->  нарушать закон
   ввести закон
   обойти закон
to make a decision
   ->  принять решение
   отклонить решение
   делать предложение
   отклонить предложение
to make a will
   ->  сделать завещание
   быть волевым
   иметь волю
   сделать в будущем
to run a business
   ->  вести дело
   бежать от дел
   организовать дело
   уйти в дела
to take care of somebody
   ->  заботиться о ком-то
   забирать кого-то
   убрать кого-то
   взять у кого-то
to commit a crime
   -> совершить преступление
   расследовать преступление
   предотвратить преступление
   избежать преступления
to fine
   -> штрафовать
   прекрасно выглядеть
to go bankrupt
   -> обанкротиться
   войти в банк
   идти в банк
to supply goods
   -> поставлять товары
   продавать товары
   выставлять товары
   требовать товары
Today he has come --- than usually.
   ->  earlier
    more earlier
    the earliest
Today he has come --- than yesterday.
   ->  later
    more late
    more lately
Tour guides --- to accept gifts.
   ->  aren’t allowed
    hasn’t allowed
    wasn’t allowed
    will not allowed
Tours to Greece --- everywhere.
   ->  are advertised
    is advertised
    will advertise
Usually they go --- a walk in the evening.
   ->  for
Wake ---! It’s time to go to school.
   ->  up
Walk ____ of the station!
   -> out
Washington D.C. is the ____________ of the USA.
   -> capital
We --- leave them early last night.
   ->  had to
    has to
    must to
We --- make a new contract by next Monday.
   ->  ‘ll be able to
    is able
    will able to
    were able to
We --- members of one group.
   ->  are
We --- our work yet.
   ->  have not done
    has not done
    have not do
    not to have done
We --- to work when we saw an accident.
   ->  were driving
    was driving
    is driving
    are driving
We are expecting them --- next week.
   ->  ---
We came to Peter, but _____ was out.
   -> he
We can borrow books from the __________.
   -> library
We can buy stamps at the _______________.
   -> post-office
We can see a performance at the ___________.
   -> theatre
We can see things from the past at the ____________.
   -> museum
We can take a train at the _______________________.
   -> railway - station
We celebrate _________ Day on May 9.
   -> Victory
We cut cheese --- a special knife.
   ->  with
We enjoyed --- at the party very much.
   ->  ourselves
We have had this holiday _______ 1996.
   -> since
We know them well. ______ children play with ours.
   -> their
We like --- house very much.
   ->  our
We must pay --- advance for the car.
   ->  in
We took the train , didn’t _____ ?
   -> we
We usually buy bread --- the baker’s.
   ->  at
We went ____ Miami last year.
   -> to
We won’t pay for the goods if they --- in a bad condition.
   ->  arrive
    will arrive
    to arrive
We ______ collect secondary data next week.
   -> will
We _______ the train at 8 yesterday.
   -> took
Wednesday comes after ____________.
   -> Tuesday
Wednesday comes before _____________.
   -> Thursday.
We’ll have good profit if they --- goods in time
   ->  supply
    will supply
    to supply
We’ll pass the exams if we --- hard.
   ->  work
    will work
    will to work
   work to
We’ll prepare these documents --- next week.
   ->  ---
We’ll sign the contract --- next week.
   ->  ---
We’ll sign the contract if it --- profitable.
   ->  is
    will be
    will to be
What --- home mean to you?
   ->  does
What ____ he? – Don’t you know? He is our teacher.
   -> is
What ______ you do yesterday?
   -> did
What’s _____ at the cinema tonight?
   -> on
When I came up to the door it --- .
   ->  was closed
    is closed
    to close
    will close
When the guests came they --- soft drinks.
   ->  were offered
    will be offer
    be offered
    was offered
When _____ you born?
   -> were
Where ______ you going at the moment? – To the library.
   -> are
While I was _________ dinner, I heard a knock at the door.
   -> having
Who can give me the answer? – I ______.
   -> can
wholesale trade
   -> оптовая торговля
   общая торговля
   торговля вообще
   вся торговля
Whose bag is this? – It’s ---.
   ->  hers
Will you join us? We --- dinner in a café today.
   ->  are having
    is having
    have to
    will having
Would you like ____ cup of tea?
   -> a
Would you _______ my opening the window?
   -> mind
Yesterday I --- to dine out .
   ->  was invited
    is invited
    will be invited
    be invited
Yesterday I --- to her parents.
   is introduced
   to introduce
Yesterday I woke --- very late.
   ->  up
Yesterday I ________ the underground.
   -> took
You --- pay in cash at this store.
   ->  must
    has to
    must to
    to must
You aren’t a barrister, _____ you?
   -> are
You can borrow this book --- the library.
   ->  from
You can buy a flat --- credit.
   ->  on
You can cross the road when the light is ________.
   -> green
You can see a play at the ____________.
   -> theatre
You can send a letter at the ________________.
   -> post-office.
You can take the train --- a railway station.
   ->  at
You can ______ medicine at the chemist’s.
   -> buy
You hear with your ________.
   -> ears
You must go --- home at once.
   ->  ---
You must pay _____ cash.
   -> in
You mustn’t cross the road when the light is ______.
   -> red
You mustn’t look out ____ the window.
   -> of
You mustn’t smoke --- board a plane.
   ->  on
You see with your _______.
   -> eyes
You smell with your ______.
   -> nose
You _______ never put anything on a railway line.
   -> must
You _________ visit the USA without a visa.
   -> can’t
Your bag is as --- as mine.
   ->  big
    the big
Your car is slower_______ mine.
   -> than
_____ there a stadium in your town?
   -> is
_____ you enjoy reading?
   -> do
_____ you interested in football?
   -> are
______ he got enough money to buy a car?
   -> has
______ he sit next to you? – No, but not far.
______ Saturdays we usually go to a restaurant.
   -> on
______ she go shopping in two hours?
   -> will
______ she go to the library two days ago?
   -> did
______ she often go to the theatre?
   -> does
______ she translated the article yet?
   -> has
______ you meet them yesterday?
   -> did
_________ is the capital of Great Britain.
   -> London
_________________ law regulates relations between citizens of different countries.
   -> international
Найдите соответствие
   -> To continue <-> To go on
   -> To say <-> To tell
   -> To repeat <->
To revise

Найдите соответствие
   -> To love <-> To like
   -> To come <-> To arrive
   -> To leave <-> To go away
Найдите соответствие
   -> There is <-> a pen here now.
   -> There are <-> pens here.
   -> There was <-> a cat at home.
Найдите соответствие
   -> To want <-> To wish
   -> Affair <-> Business
   -> Alone <-> Lonely
Найдите соответствие
   -> To call <-> To phone
   -> To shake <-> To tremble
   -> Cold <-> Cool
Найдите соответствие
   -> To finish <-> To be over
   -> To begin <-> To start
   -> To buy <-> To book
Найдите соответствие
   -> They had to work hard, <-> didn’t they?
   -> We aren’t here, <-> are we?
   -> He will pass an exam, <-> won’t he?
Найдите соответствие
   -> You write with a pen, <-> don’t you?
   -> We didn’t know him, <-> did we?
   -> They must make a decision, <-> mustn’t they?
Найдите соответствие
   -> It usually rains, <-> doesn’t it?
   -> We aren’t writing, <-> are we?
   -> He has come today, <-> hasn’t he?
Найдите соответствие
   -> We have known him since April, <-> haven’t we?
   -> It isn’t snowing, <-> Is it?
   -> He is a student, <-> isn’t he?
Найдите соответствие
   -> There is a pen in my bag, <-> isn’t there?
   -> He won’t sign a contract, <-> will he?
   -> I like travelling, <-> don’t I?
Найдите соответствие
   -> My son knows English, <-> doesn’t he?
   -> I have never been abroad, <-> have I?
   -> You must eat less, <-> mustn’t you?
Найдите соответствие
   -> My friend is a lawyer, <-> isn’t he?
   -> We haven’t got a new flat, <-> have we?
   -> A sleeping bag is a thing to sleep in, <-> isn’t it?
Найдите соответствие
   -> My wallet is on the table, <-> isn’t it?
   -> There are a lot of banks here, <-> aren’t there?
   -> They are speaking now, <-> aren’t they?
Найдите соответствие
   -> The forms of consumer credit are there, <-> aren’t they?
   -> This is a business transaction, <-> isn’t it?
   -> Mr. Smith is a solicitor, <-> isn’t he?
Найдите соответствие
   -> Are there any advantages? <-> Yes, there are.
   -> Do you have any protection? <-> No, I don’t.
   -> Will you observe the law? <-> Yes, I will.
Найдите соответствие
   -> To break <-> Broke
   -> To buy <-> Bought
   -> To bring <-> Brought
Найдите соответствие
   -> To fall <-> Fell
   -> To feel <-> Felt
   -> To find <-> Found
Найдите соответствие
   -> To light <-> Lit
   -> To lose <-> Lost
   -> To leave <-> Left
Найдите соответствие
   -> To rise <-> Rose
   -> To raise <-> Raised
   -> To read <-> Read
Найдите соответствие
   -> To catch <-> Caught
   -> To come <-> Came
   -> To steal <-> Stole
Найдите соответствие
   -> Have you <-> Seen your friend?
   -> Has he <-> Done his tasks?
   -> Have they <-> Made their beds?
Найдите соответствие
   -> Do you study <-> At the Institute?
   -> Have you <-> Seen him today?
   -> Does he <-> Watch TV?
Найдите соответствие
   -> How do you get there? <-> I get there on foot.
   -> Do you do it on your own? <-> -Yes, I do.
   -> Did you leave home yesterday? <-> - No, I didn’t.
Найдите соответствие
   -> How long is your hair? <-> - It’s long.
   -> How large is your bedroom? <-> - It’s larger than yours.
   -> How much can you walk? <-> - 5 km .
Найдите соответствие 
   -> Have you ever been to London? <-> - No, I haven’t.
   -> When were you in London? <-> - I was there 5 years ago.
   -> Will you go to London? <-> - No, I won’t.
Найдите соответствие
   -> I will have it. <-> I’ll have it.
   -> I would have it . <-> I’d have it.
   -> I had it. <-> I’d it.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Will not <-> Won’t
   -> Would not <-> Wouldn’t 
   -> Are not <-> Aren’t
Найдите соответствие
   -> He had entered the room. <-> He’d entered the room.
   -> He had had very little money before he came. <-> He’d had very little money before he came.
   -> He would enter the room. <-> He’d enter the room.
Найдите соответствие
   -> He’d arrest <-> He would arrest
   -> He’d arrested <-> He had arrested
   -> He’ll arrest <-> He will arrest
Найдите соответствие
   -> I’d spent <-> I had spent
   -> I’d spend <-> I would spend
   -> I’ll spend <-> I will spend
Найдите соответствие
   -> They’ll pack <-> They will pack
   -> They’d packed <-> They had packed
   -> They’d pack <-> They would pack
Найдите соответствие
   -> I’d had <-> I had had
   -> I’d have <-> I would have
   -> I’ll have <-> I will have
Найдите соответствие
   -> They’re <-> They are
   -> They’d come <-> They would come
   -> They’ll come <-> They will come
Найдите соответствие
   -> Will you relax? <-> -Yes, I will.
   -> Would you relax? <-> - Yes, I would.
   -> Have you relaxed? <-> - No, I haven’t.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Where would you go? <-> I would go shopping.
   -> Where will you go? <-> I will go shopping.
   -> Where are you going? <-> I’m going shopping.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Do you like coffee? <-> - No, I hate it.
   -> Does she play here? <-> -Yes, she does.
   -> When do you finish work? <-> - At half past 5.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Are they from Tokyo? <-> - Yes, they are.
   -> Is it raining now? <-> -Yes, it is.
   -> Do you like jazz? <-> - Yes, I do.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Is there a shower in the bathroom? <-> - Yes, there is.
   -> Are you married? <-> - No, I am not.
   -> Where do you live? <-> - In Washington, D.C.
Найдите соответствие
   -> What’s his first name? <-> - Christopher.
   -> Does he like tea? <-> -No, he doesn’t.
   -> Is he here now? <-> - No, he isn’t.
Найдите соответствие
   -> He doesn’t like it, <-> Does he?
   -> She has lunch, <-> Doesn’t she?
   -> He is nice, <-> Isn’t he?
Найдите соответствие
   -> She doesn’t get up at 7, <-> Does she?
   -> They didn’t watch TV, <-> Did they?
   -> Helen lives in London, <-> Doesn’t she?
Найдите соответствие
   -> We never ask personal questions, <-> Do we?
   -> I don’t go to the theatre, <-> Do I?
   -> Men go to pubs, <-> Don’t they?
Найдите соответствие
   -> Do you like painting? <-> - No, I don’t.
   -> Is she waiting for a bus? <-> -No, she isn’t.
   -> Has he got any children? <-> -No, he hasn’t.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Are there many people there? <-> - No, there aren’t.
   -> Were there two pens on the table? <-> -Yes, there were.
   -> Does he learn German? <-> -Yes, he does.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Are you interested in computers? <-> - Yes, I am.
   -> Is he fond of music? <-> - No, he isn’t.
   -> Do they often come here? <-> -Yes, they do.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Was the weather fine? <-> -No, it wasn’t.
   -> Did you enjoy the film? <-> -Yes, I did.
   -> Has he got a ticket? <-> -No, he hasn’t.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Was your flight on time? <-> - Yes, it was.
   -> Were there a lot of people there? <-> -No, there weren’t.
   -> Is he here? <-> - Yes, he is.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Must <-> To have to
   -> Can <-> Could
   -> May <-> To be allowed to
Найдите соответствие
   -> Must <-> has to
   -> Can <-> To be able to
   -> Could <-> Was able to
Найдите соответствие
   -> We must pass the test, <-> mustn’t we?
   -> We won’t come to you, <-> will we?
   -> He is a student, <-> isn’t he?
Найдите соответствие
   -> I can <-> Speak English
   -> We may <-> Go there ourselves.
   -> He works <-> At the computer.
Найдите соответствие
   -> You must get <-> A visa to go to the USA.
   -> You mustn’t feed <-> Animals at the Zoo.
   -> You mustn’t drop <-> Litter.
Найдите соответствие
   -> You must show <-> Your passport at the border.
   -> You mustn’t go out <-> If you have exams.
   -> You mustn’t drive <-> Through red traffic lights.
Найдите соответствие
   -> You should take <-> Some aspirin.
   -> You mustn’t play <-> With matches.
   -> You must fasten <-> Your seat belt.
Найдите соответствие
   -> If I changed my job, <-> I’d get a better one.
   -> If I lost my wallet, <-> I’d go to the police.
   -> If I were rich, <-> I’d give up my job.
Найдите соответствие
   -> If I went to New York, <-> I’d see the Statue of Liberty.
   -> If my friends asked me, <-> I’d help them.
   -> If they were tired, <-> They’d go to bed early.
Найдите соответствие
   -> If I had money, <-> I’d travel.
   -> If I have some money, <-> I’ll travel.
   -> If he asked me, <-> I’d help him.
Найдите соответствие
   -> If they know, <-> They will tell us.
   -> If they knew, <-> They would tell us.
   -> When they knew, <-> They told us.
Найдите соответствие
   -> If I had time <-> Если бы у меня было время
   -> If I have time <-> Если у меня будет время
   -> When I had time <-> Когда у меня было время
Найдите соответствие
   -> When I have a car <-> Когда у меня есть машина
   -> When I had a car <-> Когда у меня была машина
   -> If I had a car <-> Если бы у меня была машина
Найдите соответствие
   -> I am happy <-> Я счастлив
   -> I’d be happy <-> Я был бы счастлив
   -> If we were happy <-> Если бы мы были счастливы
Найдите соответствие
   -> If it rains, <-> We’ll take an umbrella.
   -> If Dale left, <-> We’d miss him.
   -> If I were you, <-> I’d go home after classes.
Найдите соответствие
   -> If you go now, <-> You’ll catch the train.
   -> If you go shopping, <-> You’ll buy this book
   -> If you ride a bike, <-> You’ll save energy.
Найдите соответствие
   -> If I learned English, <-> I would speak it.
   -> If you took the train, <-> You’d get there soon.
   -> If you visited my parents, <-> They’d be happy.
Найдите соответствие
   -> If it rains, <-> We’ll stay at home.
   -> If it rained, <-> We’d stay at home.
   -> If it had rained yesterday, <-> We’d have stayed at home.
Найдите соответствие
   -> If I were free, <-> I would come.
   -> If I am free, <-> I will come.
   -> If I had been free, <-> I would have come before.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Pain <-> Ache
   -> Ill <-> Sick
   -> Low <-> Short
Найдите соответствие
   -> Achild <-> Children
   -> A man <-> Men
   -> A woman <-> Women
Найдите соответствие
   -> A goose <-> Geese
   -> A mouse <-> Mice
   -> A tooth <-> teeth
Найдите соответствие
   -> A Man <-> Men
   -> Information <-> Information
   -> Datum <-> Data
Найдите соответствие
   -> Pedestrian <-> Crossing
   -> Driving <-> License
   -> Ground <-> Floor
Найдите соответствие
   -> Credit <-> Card
   -> Central <-> Heating
   -> Washing <-> Machine
Найдите соответствие
   -> Prime <-> Minister
   -> Sleeping <-> Bag
   -> Police <-> Officer
Найдите соответствие
   -> An ambulance <-> A hospital
   -> Seafood <-> A restaurant
   -> A novel <-> Literature
Найдите соответствие
   -> I love <-> My family
   -> He loves <-> His family
   -> She loves <-> Her family
Найдите соответствие
   -> He <-> Himself
   -> We <-> Ourselves
   -> She <-> Herself
Найдите соответствие
   -> It <-> Itself
   -> He <-> Himself
   -> They <-> Themselves
Найдите соответствие
   -> My <-> Mine
   -> Your <-> Yours
   -> His <-> His
Найдите соответствие
   -> Her <-> Hers
   -> Its <-> Its
   -> Our <-> Ours
Найдите соответствие
   -> I <-> Me
   -> You <-> You
   -> He <-> Him
Найдите соответствие
   -> Our <-> Us
   -> Their <-> Them
   -> My <-> Me
Найдите соответствие
   -> I <-> My
   -> You <-> Your
   -> It <-> Its
Найдите соответствие
   -> He <-> His
   -> She <-> Her
   -> We <-> Our
Найдите соответствие
   -> Beautiful <-> nice
   -> Expensive <-> dear
   -> Big <-> Large
Найдите соответствие
   -> Small <-> Little
   -> A grandmother <-> Granny
   -> A father <-> Dad
Найдите соответствие
   -> Tall <-> high
   -> Terrible <-> awful
   -> Quick <-> Fast
Найдите соответствие
   -> Cold <-> Cool
   -> Crazy <-> Mad
   -> To defend <-> To protect
Найдите соответствие
   -> To discuss <-> To debate
   -> Far <-> Far away
   -> Empty <-> Vacant
Найдите соответствие
   -> Good <-> Better
   -> Little <-> Less
   -> Bad <-> Worse
Найдите соответствие
   -> Far <-> Farther
   -> Many <-> More
   -> Cold <-> colder
Найдите соответствие
   -> To look at <-> Cмотреть 
   -> To look for <-> Искать 
   -> To look well <-> Выглядеть хорошо
Найдите соответствие
   -> To put on <-> Одеть
   -> To take off <-> Снять
   -> To put <-> Положить
Найдите соответствие 
   -> To turn on <-> Включить
   -> To turn off <-> Выключить
   -> To turn to the right <-> Повернуться направо
Найдите соответствие
   -> To come in <-> Войти
   -> To come back <-> Вернуться
   -> To come across <-> Случайно встретиться
Найдите соответствие
   -> To fall ill <-> Заболеть
   -> To fall asleep <-> Уснуть
   -> To fall in love with <-> Влюбиться
Найдите соответствие
   -> To call smb. <-> Звонить
   -> To call for smb. <-> Заходить за к-л
   -> To call off <-> Отменять
Найдите соответствие
   -> To be late <-> Not to be in time
   -> In a low voice <-> Quietly
   -> In a loud voice <-> Loudly
Найдите соответствие
   -> To turn round <-> Повернуться
   -> To turn back <-> Вернуться
   -> To turn on <-> Включить
Найдите соответствие
   -> A reception desk <-> Приемная
   -> A receptionist <-> Администратор
   -> A self - study room <-> Аудитория для самостоятельной работы
Найдите соответствие
   -> To drive <-> Водить машину
   -> To draw <-> Рисовать
   -> to decide <-> Решать
Найдите соответствие
   -> Lazy <-> Ленивый
   -> Lovely <-> Прелестный
   -> Elderly <-> Пожилой
Найдите соответствие
   -> Climbing <-> Альпинизм
   -> Cycling <-> Катание на велосипеде
   -> Horse – riding <-> Верховая езда
Найдите соответствие
   -> French fries <-> Картофель фри
   -> Biscuits <-> Печенье
   -> A cheesecake <-> Пирог с сыром
Найдите соответствие
   -> Expensive <-> Дорогой
   -> Dizzy <-> Приступ головокружения
   -> Faint <-> Слабость
Найдите соответствие
   -> Trainers <-> Кроссовки
   -> A shirt <-> Рубашка
   -> A T-shirt <-> Футболка
Найдите соответствие
   -> A sore throat <-> Больное горло
   -> A stomach ache <-> Боль в животе
   -> A headache <-> Головная боль
Найдите соответствие
   -> Average <-> Средний
   -> Behaviour <-> Поведение
   -> A cliff <-> Утес
Найдите соответствие
   -> A host <-> Хозяин
   -> A hotel staff <-> Служащие отеля
   -> A hostess <-> Хозяйка
Найдите соответствие
   -> To offer <-> Предлагать
   -> To contain <-> Вмещать
   -> To define <-> Определять
Найдите соответствие
   -> A traveller’s cheque <-> Банковский чек путешественника
   -> Adventure <-> Приключение
   -> Anger <-> Гнев
Найдите соответствие
   -> a.m. <-> До полудня
   -> p.m. <-> После полудня
   -> Need <-> Нужда
Найдите соответствие
   -> Challenge <-> Вызов
   -> An amendment <-> Поправка
   -> A barrister <-> Барристер
Найдите соответствие
   -> A bill <-> Проект закона
   -> A branch <-> Филиал \ категория
   -> Civil law <-> Гражданское право
Найдите соответствие
   -> Crime <-> Преступление
   -> Disagreement <-> Разногласие
   -> Evidence <-> Улика
Найдите соответствие
   -> Legislation <-> Законодательство
   -> A mother tongue <-> Родной язык
   -> Property <-> Собственность
Найдите соответствие
   -> A recipe <-> Рецепт
   -> Shy <-> Застенчивый
   -> Solitude <-> Одиночество
Найдите соответствие
   -> To manage <-> Управлять
   -> To supply <-> Поставлять
   -> To veto <-> Наложить вето
Найдите соответствие
   -> Trust <-> Доверие
   -> A tort <-> Гражданское правонарушение
   -> Unpacking <-> Разгрузка
Найдите соответствие
   -> Common <-> Общий
   -> A custom <-> Обычай
   -> Delay <-> Задержка
Найдите соответствие
   -> Duty – free <-> Беспошлинный
   -> Customs <-> Таможня
   -> A custom <-> Обычай
Найдите соответствие
   -> A pedestrian <-> Пешеход
   -> Landing <-> Посадка
   -> Oxygen <-> Кислород
Найдите соответствие
   -> Traffic <-> Движение
   -> A wallet <-> Бумажник
   -> To relax <-> Расслабиться
Найдите соответствие
   -> A driving license <-> Водительские права
   -> An ambulance <-> Скорая помощь
   -> A dinner party <-> Званный обед
Найдите соответствие
   -> Ancient <-> Древний
   -> A napkin <-> Салфетка
   -> Environment <-> Окружающая среда
Найдите соответствие
   -> To pollute <-> Загрязнять
   -> To suffer <-> Страдать
   -> To rescue <-> Спасать
Найдите соответствие
   -> To look like <-> Быть похожим на
   -> To look after <-> Присматривать за
   -> To look strange <-> Выглядеть странно
Найдите соответствие
   -> To lose one’s way <-> Заблудиться
   -> To lose a bet <-> Проиграть пари
   -> To lose a game of chess <-> Проиграть партию в шахматы
Найдите соответствие
   -> The ground floor <-> Первый этаж
   -> The first floor <-> Второй этаж
   -> The second floor <-> Третий этаж
Найдите соответствие
   -> To grow old <-> Стареть
   -> To grow dark <-> Темнеть
   -> To grow pale <-> Бледнеть
Найдите соответствие
   -> Russia <-> RF
   -> America <-> USA
   -> Great Britain <-> UK
Найдите соответствие
   -> Private law <-> Частное право
   -> Civil law <-> Гражданское право
   -> A dispute <-> Спор, диспут
Найдите соответствие
   -> A citizen <-> Гражданин
   -> A government <-> Правительство
   -> Well-being <-> Благополучие
Найдите соответствие
   -> To define a problem <-> Определить задачу
   -> To collect secondary data <-> Собрать вторичную информацию
   -> To cancel an agreement <-> Отменить соглашение
Найдите соответствие
   -> To permit <-> Разрешать
   -> To collect <-> Собирать
   -> To determine <-> Определять
Найдите соответствие
   -> Advantage <-> Преимущество
   -> Disadvantage <-> Недостаток
   -> Protection <-> Защита
Найдите соответствие
   -> Small business <-> Малый бизнес
   -> To value <-> Ценить
   -> Expenses <-> Затраты
Найдите соответствие
   -> An approach <-> Подход
   -> Either…or… <-> Или … или …
   -> Neither… nor… <-> Ни… ни …
Найдите соответствие
   -> Voluntary <-> Добровольный
   -> To compare <-> Сравнивать
   -> Nature of law <-> Сущность права
Найдите соответствие
   -> Family law <-> Семейное право
   -> Civil law <-> Гражданское право
   -> Public law <-> Частное право
Найдите соответствие
   -> A crime <-> Преступление
   -> To harm <-> Причинять вред
   -> To restrict <-> Ограничивать
Найдите соответствие
   -> To go on foot <-> To walk
   -> Two weeks <-> A fortnight
   -> A boss <-> A chief
Найдите соответствие
   -> An apartment <-> A flat
   -> Peaceful <-> Calm
   -> To choose <-> To select
Найдите соответствие
   -> At home <-> Inside
   -> In the street <-> Outside
   -> To come to see smb <-> To visit smb
Найдите соответствие
   -> Next to <-> Near
   -> Far from <-> Far away
   -> To go for a walk <-> To walk
Найдите соответствие
   -> A great many <-> A lot of
   -> To be in time <-> Not to be late
   -> At present <-> Now
Найдите соответствие
   -> To talk to smb <-> To speak with smb
   -> To be hungry <-> To want to eat
   -> To be thirsty <-> To want to drink
Найдите соответствие
   -> A teacher <-> You must study well.
   -> A builder <-> You must wear helmets.
   -> Parents <-> You must go to bed at 10.
Найдите соответствие
   -> You must always <-> Lock your car.
   -> You mustn’t travel <-> Without a ticket.
   -> You must eat less <-> To lose weight.
Найдите соответствие
   -> I need some stamps. <-> I will buy them
   -> We can’t find the keys. <-> I will look for them.
   -> How about a cup of tea? <-> I will make one.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Optimistic <-> Pessimistic
   -> Tidy <-> Untidy
   -> Polite <-> Impolite
Найдите соответствие
   -> Modern <-> Out of fashion
   -> Slim <-> Fat
   -> Tidy <-> Dirty
Найдите соответствие
   -> To do <-> Well
   -> To go into <-> Business
   -> To make <-> Tea
Найдите соответствие
   -> To take <-> care
   -> To make <-> Noise
   -> To do <-> Harm
Найдите соответствие
   -> To give <-> A chance
   -> To make <-> Friends
   -> To do <-> A favour
Найдите соответствие
   -> To do <-> Homework
   -> To go <-> shopping
   -> To make <-> A phone call
Найдите соответствие
   -> To do <-> The washing up
   -> To leave <-> A message
   -> To make <-> A decision
Найдите соответствие
   -> If you eat carrots, <-> You’ll see better.
   -> If you ride a bike, <-> You’ll save energy.
   -> If you go shopping, <-> You’ll spend money.
Найдите соответствие
   -> A burglar <-> A criminal who takes things.
   -> A wallet <-> A thing for putting money in.
   -> A bank <-> A place to put money.
Найдите соответствие
   -> To warm up <-> To cool down
   -> Death <-> Life
   -> Quiet <-> Noisy
Найдите соответствие
   -> To rise <-> To fall
   -> Rich <-> Poor
   -> Dirty <-> Clean
Найдите соответствие
   -> He climbed <-> Up the ladder.
   -> She waved <-> Goodbye to her friends.
   -> She wondered <-> Why they weren’t there.
Найдите соответствие
   -> He pointed <-> To the house.
   -> They are <-> Expecting us to come.
   -> He disappeared <-> Around the corner.
Найдите соответствие
   -> They shook <-> Hands.
   -> They said goodbye <-> To their parents.
   -> They paid <-> The taxi driver.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Could I <-> Help you?
   -> Will I go <-> With you?
   -> Let’s go <-> To the cinema!
Найдите соответствие
   -> To smoke <-> Cigarettes
   -> To drink <-> Coffee
   -> To travel <-> Around the world
Найдите соответствие
   -> To watch <-> TV
   -> To play <-> The piano
   -> To speak <-> English
Найдите соответствие
   -> To draw <-> A picture
   -> To earn <-> Money
   -> To cross <-> The road
Найдите соответствие
   -> To drive <-> A car
   -> To wear <-> A tie
   -> To wash <-> Dishes
Найдите соответствие
   -> A hotel room for two people <-> A double room
   -> A hotel room for one person <-> A single room
   -> A two-way ticket <-> A return ticket
Найдите соответствие
   -> Where you get on a boat <-> A harbour
   -> He who travels on a plane. <-> A passenger
   -> You can go upstairs quickly. <-> A lift
Найдите соответствие
   -> He knocked <-> On the door.
   -> I listened <-> To the news.
   -> They booked <-> A table for 8 o’clock.
Найдите соответствие
   -> They traveled <-> By boat.
   -> I didn’t know <-> How to dance
   -> She walked <-> To meet him.
Найдите соответствие
   -> She expected <-> Me to come.
   -> They didn’t listen <-> To the radio.
   -> She goes <-> To the Institute.
Найдите соответствие
   -> To read <-> A novel
   -> To run <-> Marathon
   -> To travel <-> Abroad
Найдите соответствие
   -> To earn <-> Money
   -> To listen to <-> A walkman
   -> To cut <-> A knife
Найдите соответствие
   -> To shave <-> A razor
   -> To count <-> Money
   -> To run <-> A race
Найдите соответствие
   -> To read <-> A detective story
   -> To learn <-> A poem
   -> To drive <-> A car
Найдите соответствие
   -> To write <-> Articles
   -> To treat <-> People
   -> To watch <-> TV
Найдите соответствие
   -> A chair is a thing <-> To sit on.
   -> A mug is for <-> Drinking out of.
   -> A frying pan is for <-> Cooking things in.
Найдите соответствие
   -> A towel is for <-> Drying yourself with.
   -> An oven is for <-> Cooking things in.
   -> A plant pot is a thing <-> For putting plants in.
Найдите соответствие
   -> A sweater <-> To keep warm.
   -> A camera <-> To take pictures with.
   -> A hairdryer <-> To dry your hair with.
Найдите соответствие
   -> A pad of paper <-> Something to write on.
   -> A wine glass <-> For drinking wine out of.
   -> A bag <-> For shopping.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Shoe polish <-> For polishing shoes.
   -> A window cleaner <-> For cleaning windows with.
   -> A wallet <-> For keeping money in.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Matches <-> To set light to things. 
   -> A wallet <-> For keeping money in.
   -> A vacuum cleaner <-> For cleaning carpets.
Найдите соответствие
   -> Glue <-> Is stuff for sticking things together.
   -> A dishwasher <-> A machine for washing up.
   -> A pen <-> A tool for writing with.
Найдите соответствие
   -> A knife <-> A tool for cutting with.
   -> A tea pot <-> A thing for making tea in.
   -> A telephone <-> A thing for talking to people
Найдите соответствие
   -> You use a knife <-> To cut food
   -> You use a mirror <-> To look at yourself.
   -> You use a beret <-> To keep your head warm.
Найдите соответствие
   -> You use a suitcase <-> To carry things.
   -> You use a comb <-> To comb your hair with.
   -> You use a tent <-> To sleep in.
Найдите соответствие
   -> You use an umbrella <-> To shelter from the rain.
   -> You use sunglasses <-> To protect your eyes.
   -> You use sticky tape <-> To stick paper with.
Найдите соответствие
   -> You use an overcoat <-> To keep warm in.
   -> You use a saw <-> To cut wood with.
   -> You use a garage <-> To keep your car in.
Найдите соответствие
   -> A bath is for <-> Washing yourself in.
   -> A wardrobe is for <-> Keeping your clothes in.
   -> A toothbrush is for <-> Cleaning your teeth with.
Найдите соответствие
   -> A door handle is for <-> Opening the door with.
   -> A kettle is for <-> Boiling water in.
   -> A ladder is for <-> Climbing up
Найдите соответствие
   -> To help <-> People
   -> To listen to <-> Classical music
   -> To act <-> A part
Найдите соответствие
   -> Beautiful <-> Ugly
   -> Fair <-> Dark
   -> Short <-> Long
Найдите соответствие
   -> Straight <-> Curly
   -> Young <-> Old
   -> Optimistic <-> Pessimistic
Найдите соответствие
   -> Rude <-> Polite
   -> Sad <-> Happy
   -> Expensive <-> Cheap
Найдите соответствие
   -> A mother <-> A father
   -> A sister <-> A brother
   -> A daughter <-> A son
Найдите соответствие
   -> An aunt <-> An uncle
   -> A niece <-> A nephew
   -> A wife <-> A husband
Найдите соответствие
   -> Legal requirements <-> Правовые требования
   -> Experience <-> Опыт
   -> Leasing <-> Аренда